donkyFliP's Collection of Live Recordings By:

Ozzy Osbourne

Format: (1) Date YYYY.MM.DD (2) Title (3) Source Media (4) Venue (5) Location (6) Special Notes (8) Track List (9) Length of show/material as recorded on audio tape.

This list is current as of: July 10, 1999

vinyl.gif = Vinyl cd.gif = Compact Disc tape.gif = Cassette video.gif = Video dvd.gif = DVD

If you would like to know more about any of the shows below (or have information you would like to contribute - HINT: dates and/or track list information), feel free to send e-mail to me, Scott "donkyFliP" Johnston

If you are interested in making a trade with me, read this . . .

1992.10.23 Pyramid tape.gif self-made, The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee
Paranoid, I Don't Wanna Change the World, Mr. Crowley, I Don't Know, Road to Nowhere, Crazy Train, Guitar Solo, Suicide Solution, Goodbye to Romance, Shot in the Dark, Guitar Solo, Drum Solo, War Pigs, Bark at the Moon, Mama I'm Coming Home [1 @ 90]

1992.11.23 Rockline tape.gif Rockline Interview [Unofficial Rockline Archives]
Time After Time, Crazy Train, No More Tears, Shot in the Dark, Paranoid, Mama I'm Coming Home, Flying High Again, Road to Nowhere [1 @ 90]

1996.01.08 Rockline tape.gif Rockline Interview [Unofficial Rockline Archives]
See You on the Other Side, Crazy Train, Perry Mason, Old LA Tonight, Snow Blind, Tomorrow [1 @ 90]

96.10.28 Rockline tape.gif Rockline Interview (Halloween Special) [Unofficial Rockline Archives]
Bark at the Moon, Mr. Crowley, Black Sabbath, Diary of a Madman, My Jeckel Doesn't Hide, Children of the Grave, Hell Raiser [1 @ 90]

1997.04.21 Rockline tape.gif Rockline Interview [Unofficial Rockline Archives]
Special Interview with Tony Iommi and Ozzy (Reunion) [1 @ 90]

1997.11.17 Rockline tape.gif Rockline Interview Nov. 17, 1997 [Unofficial Rockline Archives] [1 @ 90]

1998.04.06 Rockline tape.gif Rockline Interview April 6, 1998 [Unofficial Rockline Archives] [1 @ 90]